I know it’s hard to fathom, but I sold Magnus. It was not a decision I came to easily, but with the prices for used cars being so high, we sold him for pretty much the same price as we purchased him for more than 2 years and 60k+ miles ago.
I told my husband that the only Jeep that could ever replace Magnus as my daily driver would have to have every option that I wished Magnus had, and he delivered on that promise. He let me select every option I wanted for our new Jeep, who’s name is Blue (Clever Girl), so she has all the luxury features including the proximity remote that enables me to get in and out of the Jeep and drive without ever having to find my keys – my absolute favorite.

We opted for leather this time around, which I can already tell was such a good choice with the dogs.

And of course, the most obvious difference, Blue is a hybrid. Being Tesla owners, we’re all about that plug-life, so it only made sense to opt for the insane torque and fuel efficiency that the battery supplemented Jeep offers.

The worst part of the whole transition, aside from the heartbreaking trip to the dealership to sell Magnus, was the 6-week wait for Blue to be built and delivered. But it has been worth it! Our daily drives average around 30mpg, and she tows the Tiny Camper like a boss. I will also never get tired of kicking that electric motors on and listening to the Jeep go totally silent as we prowl the trail.

Our first modifications were upgraded tired and wheels, and my husband surprised me by getting the beadlocks custom painted to match the electric blue. Our next steps will be a moderate lift, new bumpers, lots of vinyl (when I get my hands on a cutter) and a new top (I neeeeeed my fastback).

Stay tuned as we continue to modify and build our new Jeep, and take her on all of the adventures!
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